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Payment Methods

To buy products sold in our store, you can choose one of the following payment methods:

  1. Cash on delivery

You will pay cash when the package is delivered. You will pay the courier the amount of the invoice (the value of the products and, if applicable, the transport fee of 19 lei). 

This method is valid only for orders placed from Romania. 

  1. Payment by bank card

Payment is made securely 3D Secure via mobilPay. Accepted cards: Visa and Mastercard.

After choosing this payment method, you will be transferred to the online payment processor page mobilPay to complete the order process.

  1. Pay by PayPal

After choosing this payment method, you will be transferred to the PayPal page, where you will be able to complete the payment.

Ai nevoie să ne contactezi?

Dacă vrei să ne contactezi, completează formularul de mai jos și vom reveni către tine cu un răspuns în cel mai scurt timp posibil!